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The Project

What is a loom?

The project looks at the definition of the loom and seeks to unfold it by doing a

functional analysis of the different loom types. This type of analysis involves

classifying the fundamental characteristics of the tool for weaving, such as how

the sheds are controlled and how the weft is inserted. A functional definition of

the characteristics of a loom is, however, inherently entwined with the definition

of weaving. After all, simply put, the definition of a loom is a tool for weaving, and

weaving is defined as: to perpendicularly interlace weft and warp threads into

fabric. Naturally, this terminological entanglement must be considered when

creating a technological vocabulary.

Registration of old looms

By registering the old looms in the collections of Danish museums, we aim to gather knowledge of the old loom types in Denmark. We also wish to create a nationwide strategy for preserving looms. For the purpose of registering the looms, we have developed a registration form that encompasses all information relevant for a loom, e.g. loom type, producer, and technical functions.


Lack of online vocabularies

When working with old looms it becomes clear that there is a general need for more textile technological vocabularies with verbal and non-verbal descriptions of the different parts of a loom. Therefore, we aim to cooperate with other projects in order to create a platform that will link terminological resources for handicrafts.

Lervad, a Danish loom factory

The Lervad company produced looms and other weaving equipment from 1895 to the 1980s. It was founded by Anders Lervad who started producing the first looms for handicraft students in Askov. Throughout the years, many different types of Lervad looms have been produced and exported. This includes looms for professional weavers, for the purpose of ergotherapy, and evening school courses, and many of them are still in use today.

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© 2024 Centre for Textile Research, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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